Call for Chapter Proposals(과학교사교육관련 2020.9.30까지)
작성자 관리자


Proposal Submission Deadline: September 30, 2020

Book title: Reforming Science Teacher Education Programs in the STEM Era: International practices

We would like to invite researchers and practitioners to contribute a chapter to a volume we are co-editing. We are planning to place this volume in the series “Palgrave Studies on Leadership and Learning in Teacher Education” (https://www.springer.com/series/16190). Initial communication with the series editors have indicated a strong interest and we are now at the stage of putting together a list of authors and abstracts to finalize an agreement with Palgrave Macmillan.

Researchers and practitioners who are interested in contributing to this book are invited to submit the following on or before September 30, 2020:

  1. A Working title for the proposal

  2. A 500-word manuscript proposal in Microsoft Word

  3. For each contributing author provide:

  • Name, title, current position, affiliation and email

  • 3-4 sentence biographical blurb of each contributing author

  • one page list of key publications by each contributing author

Send your proposal to sbalushi@squ.edu.om; Lisa.Martin@csulb.edu; YoungJin.Song@csulb.edu
