학술명: 학교 밖 과학교육을 통한 과학 학습 성취도와 태도의 향상
일시: 2003년 12월 5일(금)-6일(토) 2일간
장소: 한국교원대
초청강연1: Strategies of Science Instruction in Outdoor Settings -Professor Victor Mayer(Ohio State University)
초청강연2: Science Museums and Natural History Museums for Science Instruction in Japan-Dr. Yasushi Ogura(National Institute od Educational Research)
초청강연3: Informal Science Instruction in U.K
-Professor.Justion Dillon(Kings College, University of London)
초청강연4: Science Fairs and Field Trips in Japan
-Professor. Yoshisuke Kumano(Shizuoka University)
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