호치민시사범대학 온라인 교육프로그램 교수진 모집
작성자 관리자
Dear Sir or Madam:

Warmest greetings from Ho Chi Minh City University of Education (HCMUE)!

We are one of the two leading teacher training universities in Vietnam. HCMUE has participated in Enhancing Teacher Education Program (ETEP) supported by The World Bank. The objective of ETEP is to strengthen teacher education institutions in Vietnam to enhance teacher and principal effectiveness through improved continuous professional development by the provision of training, retraining, and continuous professional development to school teachers and principals in order to meet the requirements of the Fundamental and Comprehensive Education Reform.

We are pleased to inform that Ho Chi Minh City University of Education plans to organize 04 ONLINE training programs within the framework of Enhancing Teacher Education Program supported by the World Bank.

1 – Policies to assess the staff (Academic Staff and Support Staff)

2 – Capacity development of education lecturers to conduct a continuous training program for school teachers and principals

3 – Educational Assessment and Experiential Learning

4 – History – Geography Education

In this regard, we highly appreciate it if your organization could recommend or nominate eligible experts for the training programs. We have still been in need of suitable experts up to now.
For further information, please refer to the attached documents below. Please kindly provide us with the emails and biodata of the experts recommended.

Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Nguyen Thi Tu, Head of International Cooperation Office via telephone: +84.28.38391080 or email address at phonghtqt@hcmue.edu.vn or tunth@hcmue.edu.vn.

Yours faithfully,

Nguyen Thi Tu
Head of International Cooperation
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
